Profile PictureJeff Zigman, "The Business CTO"

MVP Step 1 - How to figure out what customers/stakeholders REALLY need for a Software Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - Part 1 (FREE)

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MVP Step 1 - How to figure out what customers/stakeholders REALLY need for a Software Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - Part 1 (FREE)


Coding is NOT the first step in building a Software Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

If you start coding right away, it's like hiring a construction worker to build a house BEFORE you have a blueprint.

The first step is figuring out WHAT to build to solve customer problems.

That's what this course teaches you.

You don't need a technical background to take or understand this course and it's as crucial for tech people and non-tech alike.

I've been a CTO 11 years and a Business Analyst 13 years, designing, leading, and building 300+ software systems, asking 10,000's of questions.

I've built 15 MVPs in ranging between 3 days and 2 weeks.

Look me up on LinkedIn here:

***Important Note Disclaimer: This course (offered free) is the first few steps of the full course. This Free version gives the first 4 steps***

Here's what a few people have to say about this course:

Justin Pursati - 17 years as a software developer

"I had been following your LinkedIn posts for a few months... I wouldn't have had any hesitation paying $1,000 for this course... I WISH my clients would take Jeff’s courses BEFORE they come to me [with software to build] because they waste my time and their time and their money… there’s a lot of knowledge you’re not going to get from a book, you’re not going to get from doing a Google search… this is knowledge gained from experience, it’s priceless"

Levi Tenenbaum - 6 years working with developers

"Forget thousands... you'll save yourself tens of thousands of dollars and you're going to save yourself months of time... 1000% you want to do this course..."

Scott Tarnowsky - 3 Year Developer

“It’s a game-changer… this fills in ALL the gaps about getting requirements and will set me apart from other Developers who want to go into business for themselves… this really spells out the process to do it the right way [and] condensed years of knowledge into a really digestible course… if you take this course, you’re going to save yourself so much headaches and it will help you win quickly… you could save 6-12 months of time or more and $10,000’s if not $100,000’s of development hours… it helps everybody get on the same page and define what you should be building… I feel so much more comfortable finding customer pain points immediately after finishing the course…"

Dan Coman - 10 year Developer

“In one sentence, in one word, I’d say it’s invaluable, it’s the most important thing, the most critical thing when you’re developing software to know what problems you’re solving… I’ve been following you for quite some time on LinkedIn… for someone who has been in contact with your content for a white, it should be a no brainer… we could have avoided a lot of rework… for a non-tech co-founder, they could potentially save $10,000’s or $100,000’s… “

Uriel Bitton - 11 year Developer

“I would say exactly to my [past] self: Do you want to get to where I am right now - which is 10x as successful as you are - if you want to just skip ahead… buy this course and you will skip ahead in an hour instead of spending 5 years making mistakes like I did”

Nic Ruscillo -30 Year Developer + fractional CTO

"Had I gone through this course prior to [a $1M project that was trashed], I would have been armed with the tools to pose the questions to [a client] before we ventured too far down… Founders for sure should go through and Devs and Product Owners around the 0-10 years experience mark would greatly benefit from this… those more seasoned in the 30 years mark could still pick out pieces of gold from your course… from a Dev standpoint, it gives insight on the business side of things… the $200 price point should be very palatable for this course, or even as much as twice that…"

Daniel Gammal - 18 Year Software Developer

“It helped me greatly understand the business side of creating a startup/MVP… I’ve taken courses and seen friends take courses and they usually don’t have great value. This one did… this is the business side you need to know to actually get somewhere with your startup… as a software developer, you probably don’t have an understanding of the business side and you have to learn that… this is a shortcut that brings a lot of value"

Sam Williams - 8 Year Software Developer

“If you have not suffered through a lot of these pains and pitfalls, it gives examples of how to work around them with a nice structured approach so you can avoid a lot of the common mistakes… it could be $10,000’s, it could be months of time wasted designing and building a product that doesn’t have a market demand or that doesn’t actually solve the problem that people have… $200 is less than 2 hours of time, so if 1 question I get from the course allows me to save 2 hours of debugging or misunderstanding requirements, then the course has been worthwhile… a Developer thinks their job is just writing code will often get stuck as just a Developer"

Darrin Cox - 35 years in US Military Operations

"Understanding the pain it will cause you if you don't take this course, likely in your pocket book, but also in time..."

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You'll learn...

1) What you THINK customers want
2) How to figure out what customers want
3) What to ask potential customers
4) Getting confused by what customers think they want
5) Figuring out what customers actually NEED
In Full Version
6) How to design software around solving customers needs
In Full Version
7) Adjustments along the way and validating adjustments
In Full Version
8) 9 Common mistakes to avoid that set people completely off course
In Full Version
9) How solid customer requirements impacts timelines
In Full Version
10) How to use customer requirements to sell more & create more value
In Full Version
24 questions to ask yourself to gauge if you're on the right path
Included (Some)
13 exercises to do
Included (Some)
Amount I've charged to do this for clients
$15,000-$20,000 /month
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30-day money back guarantee