
MVP Step 0 - Why you need to PAUSE anything you're doing with a Developer right now (FREE Option)

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MVP Step 0 - Why you need to PAUSE anything you're doing with a Developer right now (FREE Option)


If you started jumping into development with a Developer and you haven't clearly mapped out what needs to be built, this "mini course" will show you why you need to PAUSE.

If you don't have customer needs clearly defined.

If you don't have Use Cases mapped out clearly for a Developer.

If you don't have Features mapped out clearly.

If you don't have a Page structure mapped out clearly.

If you don't have Mockups done in an ideal way for a Developer to execute quickly.

Then you're starting off badly, slowly, and expensively (in time and money) from step 1.

Then you need this.

Look me up on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffzigman/

Here's what a few people have to say about this course:

Justin Pursati - 17 year software developer

"Please… please….. watch these courses… BEFORE you call me… and you will save yourself A LOT of money… you will save yourself $10,000’s on your project"

Levi Tenenbaum - 6 years working with Developers

"I think I would have saved about 2-3 months when working with a Developer..."

Darrin Cox - 35 years in US Military Operations

"You will not meet the objective because you misunderstood the need"

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You'll learn...

1) Why you paying a Developer right now is a waste of your money
2) What's going to happen if you don't pause right now
3) How long you should pause for
4) Video diagram showing how proper requirements and a Blueprint affects timelines
12 questions to ask yourself to gauge if you're doing the right thing
5 exercises to do to validate if you're doing the right thing
What I would typically charge to go through with with you
$500 for consulting call
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